February 5, 2009

Wouldn't it be nice?

I was on Ravelry yesterday and saw this photo and suddenly wished I was there - Squam Lake. I spent one of the most magical times as a camp counselor on Squam Lake with a special canoeing trip. On Golden Pond was filmed on Sqam. It is gorgeous.

So, I clicked on the link for the classes being offered there in June. Oh, I surfed and enjoyed dreaming about running away during the week and going to this seminar. Wouldn't it be nice to have 3 days devoted to knitting and learning more about knitting?

Then of course my practical side hit...who would get the kids to/from school, it costs too much for our budget, who would I go with as I wouldn't want to go alone. All those things. However, wouldn't it be nice? I enjoyed the afternoon dream...back to reality.


Lolly said...

It is important to take those times for you too! maybe sometime in the future? That was a lovely photo and it made me want to go there!

Jennifer said...

Yeah... I wondered if people picked June for the parts of the country that are already on summer vacation. Sometimes I can't believe school is still in session so late. It really gets in the way of the knitting plans!

Beth said...

There is a folk school in the mountains a few hours from me that offers great classes. I feel the same way. It would be a lot of fun and a great setting, but the price is steep. Maybe I'll start saving my hobby budget. I should be able to go in a couple of years. ;)