May 30, 2009

Got to Love the Local Library

When I read about Debbie Bliss's new book "Design it, Knit it", I put in a request that my wonderful local library purchase it. Yesterday the email came saying it was in and I rushed to the library to pick it up.

I curled up with this brand new book and my cup of coffee this morning and actually gave it a good read through. I had high hopes for this book and thought I'd get some great designing tips. There is some good information here and a few lovely patterns. However, it is not a hold your hand book in designing...perhaps your hand should not be held?!

The elements of design and design considerations are there and there are pages for graphing and sketching ideas. However, there is nothing about how to take your design and actually knit it. This book might work with Ann Budd's
The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns but it doesn't work by itself.

I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll purchase it or not but I'm so glad I have it for 3 weeks from my library.

1 comment:

a friend to knit with said...

thanks so much for your thoughts on this!
i was really wondering about it.