December 1, 2010

Where Did November Go?

We are getting our tree on Saturday and today we started our Advent Calendar...I truly worried our kids would think themselves too old for it but they love getting their chocolate treat out of the mitten every morning. I married a chocoholic and gave birth to 2 chocoholics...they have checked out what kind of chocolate is hidden in the mittens. No Hershey's kisses for these kids - they like Lindt!

I saw this on someone's blog and it is a little different from the last one I did so I figured I'd fill it out.

1. Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? Mostly wrapping paper but gift bags are great in a pinch.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real...preferably balsam.
3. When do you put up the tree? First weekend in December.
4. When do you take down the tree? Usually, the day before New Years then I'm ready for the new year and the tree is rather dried out.
5. Do you like Egg Nog? Since I do not like milk, I definitely do not like Egg Nog. My mom used to make homemade egg nog and quite frankly it was vile even when it was liberally laced with bourbon.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I remember getting a box set of the Little House On The Prairie series - I still have it.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, we have 2 in fact. A small simple wooden one and the Playmobil one that the kids loved playing with when they were little. I wish they weren't so expensive as I'd love a nice one.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My sister-in-law (I could go off on her right now but I'll hold back) and my brothers-in-law.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My daughter...girly stuff is so easy.
10. Mail or email Christmas Cards? We do an email card with photo to people we see a lot/local friends and then mail a photo card to those who aren't email types or far way.
11. Favorite Christmas Movie? Hands down...It's a Wonderful Life. I cry every time.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Pannetone...when I was 16 we spent Christmas with my grandparents in Italy and I fell in love with Pannetone. I don't buy it often as I'm the only one who eats it and I could eat the whole loaf in one sitting.
13. White lights or colored? White!
14. Favorite Christmas Song? The Christmas Song by Dave Matthews...not traditional but I love it.
15. Travel or stay home at Christmas? Stay home. We used to travel to my in-laws on Christmas morning and one year we couldn't due to family visiting us and a snowstorm. After that wonderful time of being home and having a relaxing/stress free time. My DH informed my in-laws they could come to us if they want but otherwise we're staying home and we'd come to them the next day (Boxing Day)...they weren't thrilled but the change has been wonderful for us.
16.Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer? Yes, but I have to hum Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in my head to do it.
17. Angel or Star on the top of the tree? Usually an angel - that's what I grew up with...however, when our son was young he insisted on a star as it was "the star that shines on Baby Jesus". Can't argue with that. We have a star but it requires a very strong treetop which can be hard to find.
18. Open presents Christmas Eve or Morning? The kids can open one on Christmas Eve but everything else happens in the morning.
19. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Angry people fighting over parking places.
20. Which looks best, theme trees or homey trees? Definitely homey trees with handmade ornaments.
21. Gingerbread or Sugar Cookies? Butter cookies which Iguess would be closer to sugar cookies...I use a cookie press and put Hershey's kisses in the center. Yum!


Beth said...

I am so behind on my blog reading! I enjoyed reading your post. My Little House on the Prairie set is the gift I remember most from growing up, too. My mom and I made bookplates to go in them and I still remember sitting at the kitchen table with her.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE The Christmas Song by Dave Matthews as well. I actually had forgotten about it. Thank you so much for reminding me. I am listening to it as I write this. 'Shower him with love, love, love.' So beautiful.

My ears smile everytime I hear it !