June 28, 2010

Some Simple Sewing

A little intermission for some sewing...Miss America and I hit JoAnn fabrics and picked this wild fabric for the door to the laundry room and the downstairs bathroom...we also have a complimentary fabric for the kitchen windows. That's tomorrow's project.

I also whipped up these pillow covers...I used some down inserts from Ikea that cost all of $6 each. The fabric was about $8. They really spice up the bed and bring out the blue sanddollars!
I have been knitting - mostly trying to finish up my pink Wallaby...should be done in a day or two. It's just been too hot to knit lately but there is a storm coming through to cool things down.


sara said...

I love the fabric! So cheerful!

Beth said...

Great projects! I love the fabrics you chose. The wild fabric reminds me of Marimekko.