October 24, 2008

Christmas on my Mind - Already!

So, I've been knitting a lot of little projects lately. I substitute teach in our school district and every now and then I get a great slot in the middle school where all you have to do is monitor the kids while they work on packets. This lets me read while they are reading and I've perfected reading and knitting at the same time. Over the last few weeks I've whipped up these mini-sweater ornaments with some remnant yarn. I used the Minutia pattern for some of them but also started creating my own designs. Lots of fun!


Kimberly said...

I LOVE your mini sweaters, Estella! I wish I could have gone to Rhineback , maybe next year! Wishing we were having this conversation on the beach, but loving the sweater weather! Kimberly

Jennifer said...

Those are so cute! What a great idea.

a friend to knit with said...

i would love an entire tree with nothing but sweater ornaments!
those are too cute.