January 17, 2009

A Knitter's Rant

I have a little bit of a rant this morning. Picture putting on your new favorite sweater which you've spent a few months knitting. Then you go to put on a winter coat (it IS freezing out) and your new sweater SNAGS on the Velcro. Or rather the Velcro comes out like a pirahna and ATTACKS your sweater or your lovingly made scarf. Must coats have so much Velcro??? As a mom, I loved Velcro sneakers. As a knitter, I HATE Velcro on my coat.

End of rant. Tomorrow pictures.


Karen said...

Oh no!! Clearly Velcro is evil!!!!

Jennifer said...

AAAArrrrgh! I HATE velcro. It was clearly invented by an evil wool/yarn hater.

Krista said...

Oh my do I agree with you! And I had this bag I thought would be perfect for kntting...until my yarn stuck to the velcro! It was demoted from knitting bag to book bag.

Lisa said...

Velcro is the root of all evil. I hope your sweater is OK, and remember, Spring is around the corner!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Velcro has no business being on coats!