January 27, 2009


While reading Julie's blog, I thought I'd give this a whirl. Am trying to post more often and since I'm subbing a lot this week I won't have a lot of knitting for a day or two. So, here goes...

Use the first letter of your name to find a word for each of the following:

Your Name - Estella
Four letter word - Edge
Boy name - Elliot (my nephew's name)
Girl name - Emelyn (a family name I wanted to name Miss America but DH declined)
Occupation - Educator
Color - Eggplan
Beverage - Eggnog (yuck)
Something found in a bathroom - EPT (not in ours though)
Place - Europe
Reason for being late - Everything related to kids
Food - Eggs (I'm using the egg thing a lot, huh?)
Something you shout - EEEK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eeeek is what I'd shout if I had an EPT in my bathroom ;-)

Great list. It's not as easy as it looks, is it?